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video installation at HORIZONT GALLERY

NERO: Welcome, two, three animations - looped; and there is motion, fall, disappearance, splurge on them - with an endless repetition.

/a state of mind in an infinite loop/ prototype

NERO: Quote

There is a roughly human-sized sculpture, relaxed comfortably between the videos;

with pert foot of his outstreched leg he holds a Laurel wreath while he points out the video of himself.

Flying ashes; trash can, graffiti, a broken pedestal.

“Method, History, Individual.

  • An occupation, at the bottom or on the top of the social ranks

  • determines a destiny (?)

  • therefore a predictable way of being for a person who fills it

  • and with strict peculiarity of privacy

  • Structures of a defined family

  • as in some cases

  • structures of an institution created by the motions of history

  • make it possible – in theory at least -

  • for him to be able to foresee

  • this stated way of his existence

  • This destiny (?)

  • which is (obviously?) going to be some sort of neurosis (for every child) growing up in a given environment”

/arbitrary highlights from Method, History, Individual. Selection of J-P. Sarte philosophical writings. Gondolat, Budapest, 1976. 289-290. p/

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Sequence 01_1

Der Bau Main scene EN

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